Choosing the Right Managed Print Services Provider | Century Business Technologies, Inc

Dec 13, '18 | Choosing the Right Managed Print Services Provider | Century Business Technologies, Inc

Here's how to check out a potential managed print services provider to make sure you're both on the same page.

Thinking about entering into a managed print agreement? Here's how to check out a potential managed print services provider to make sure you're both on the same page.

Ask About Their Assessment Process

A managed print services provider who's looking out for your best interest will undertake a thorough assessment of your print infrastructure before putting an offer on the table. They'll make sure they understand the inner workings of your print environment and work closely with you to identify and correct your most frustrating issues. The services offered should not only address your current issues but offer ongoing problem-solving solutions during the life of the MPS partnership.

Understand What's Included

There's no reason for you to enter a managed print services engagement if you're unsure about what's included. A responsible MPS provider will offer a clearly outlined list of the included resources, from copier and printer maintenance and management to supply replenishment and beyond. If you're interested in optimizing your equipment fleet and reducing print volumes, make sure your managed print services candidate can provide a clear path for making both of these goals a reality.

Insist Upon Lower Costs

Managed print services are trending in the technology sector because businesses understand its value as a cost-reducing service. To get the most value from your investment, ask how a potential managed print services provider addresses the issue of lowering printing costs. Ask how well they've succeeded with other companies, and what their track record has been on average. A reputable service provider will be glad to offer concrete evidence of their ability to lower your printing costs.

Not all Managed Print Services agreements are the same. To find out how Century Business Technologies can help your organization lower printing costs by as much as 30%, contact us today!

Written By: Admin