Managed Print: A Remedy for Inefficient Workflows

Jul 27, '23 | Workflows Managed Print: A Remedy for Inefficient Workflows

Efficient workflows can make the difference between a company that's succeeding and one that's falling steadily behind.

Efficient workflows can make the difference between a company that's succeeding and one that's falling steadily behind. Process inefficiencies that hinder productivity also eat up revenues, but there are ways to stop the madness.

More Than Cost Savings

Here are a few telltale signs that your print infrastructure is having a negative impact on your workflows:

  • Your administrative team is printing and then finishing reports manually, spending their afternoons hole-punching and stapling documents together.
  • Your accounting team is forced to walk through two departments to access a printer.
  • Your marketing team doesn't have access to a device capable of high-resolution scanning.

It's common to think of a managed print services engagement as a solution for lowering costs, and it's true; some organizations see savings as high as 30%. But there's more to be gained from a managed print strategy than a lower print spend.


A managed print assessment reveals not only how much you're spending to print documents, but how well your print-related workflows are fueling productivity. In the scenarios mentioned above, a poorly designed print infrastructure is a source of productivity-draining inefficiencies. Consider these managed print solutions for each case:

  1. A centralized multifunction printer with finishing capabilities takes on the task of collating, hole-punching, and stapling reports, leaving the administrative team time to concentrate on more important duties.
  2. A compact desktop laser printer in the accounting department eliminates the need for long walks and process interruptions just to print a few documents.
  3. A dedicated scanner gives the marketing team access to high-resolution scanning, reducing the need for outsourcing and improving the overall quality of their work.

Managed Print Services from Century Business Technologies can eliminate inefficient workflows across your organization. Contact us to find out more today.

Written By: Admin